Find Partition for Windows
Findpart (Find Partition) for Windows is a small, light, and effective free utility to recover lost and damaged partitions, developed by Svend Olaf Mikkelsen. For safety reasons, the software writes nothing to the disk.
Findpart for Windows includes the functionality of multiple tiny utilities, as FindNTFS, GB32, Chsdir, Editpart, Findfat, Getsect, Putsect, Cyldir, Finddir, Findext2, ReadExt2, Findbad, Pqrp, FindJPG and FindDoc.
For usage type Findpart followed by the utility name.
For editing commands first do: 'set findpart=edit'.
Main Command Line Functions
Findpart (numbered from 1)
Findpart -fat (exclude FAT search)
Findpart all (search all disks)
Findpart all -fat (exclude FAT search)
Findpart tables (list partition tables)
- Free NTFS data recovery tool lists the content of an NTFS partition, or copies files. We reviewed this stand-alone utility in one of the previous posts .
- GB32 examines if a 32 GB problem is present for a disk larger than 32 GB. The program also will detect some of the DOS and Windows 128 GB problems.
- Chsdir lists the content of a FAT partition. Can be used for evaluating the integrity of a lost partition. The Chsdir version included in Findpart for Windows can copy files.
- Editpart - Command line partition table editor. For experts. For a (short) description: editpart /?
- Cyldir searches for lost and not lost directories in a lost or not lost FAT partition. Files in a lost directory can be copied to another partition. Note that on a fdisk damaged partition, some files can contain sectors filled with ascii 246 characters.
- Findext2 searches for Linux ext2 and ext3 superblocks and calculates possible partition location.
- ReadExt2 - Ext2/Ext3 recovery tool. Lists the content of an Ext2/3 partition, or copies files.
- FindBSD searches for BSD disk labels.
- Findbad - Locates bad sectors. Also, the program can write sectors containing ascii hex F6 characters to bad sectors. This may repair the sectors, but the previous content in the bad sectors is lost. If the disk does not contain any data you want to keep, it may be better erasing the disk using the disk manufacturer tool for that.
- Pqrp examines PQRP partitions that were originally FAT32 partitions. One damage type, which is not recognized by Pqrp, is found by Chsdir, using the usual command line with the addition of the keyword 'adjustclusters'.
- FindJPG for Windows attempts to copy JPG files without file system usage.
- FindDoc for Windows attempts to copy DOC and XLS files without file system usage.
- Findfat, Finddir, Getsect, Putsect are included in both Findpart for DOS and Windows. For usage, type 'findpart' followed by the utility name. For editing commands the findpart environment variable must be set to edit using the command 'set findpart=edit'.
For output explanation, see
The report can be written to a file. Add the filename to the command line. File extension must be .txt. To append to current report file, use +.
Note: The utility is not recommended for beginners.